Luxury Fabrics Store in Miami Florida

Beaded Embroidered Tulle

Embroidered tulle is a dressmaking fabric that can be heavy or lightweight. Ultra-fine, man-made netting from Tulle, imported from Europe. Lovely, floaty, full-skirted embroidered tulles are a couture favorite, with beautiful, floaty, and full-skirted versions cropping up on celebrities all over the world.

Tulle is available in a number of colors and can be created from a variety of fibers such as nylon, rayon, or silk. Undershirts are frequently utilized for bridal apparel.

Explore our unique embroidered tulle fabrics for the best and unique styles. Embroidered Tulle & Beaded Netting Tulle Fabrics. Sold by the yard and by the panel/piece. Lightweight and very fine netting that's embroidered with beads, sequins, pearls, bugle beads, and more!

Our Embroidered Tulle Fabrics have various threads, beads, sequins, rhinestones, and more. They all come in different patterns and colors.

These are perfect for evening gowns, cocktail dresses, and luxury outfits.

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